Click on the date you'd like to add a ride or event to.
The "Add Event" window will pop up.
Give your ride a Title!
Uncheck "All Day" and enter the start and approximate end times.
Click the "Calendar" button and select the appropriate ride calendar to add the event to.
Enter your name and email address in the "Who" section. This is important. Rides/events added without this information WILL BE DELETED as we need to be able to contact you if more information about the ride is needed.
Enter the address in the "where" section. Entering a real address will allow other members to click the map pointer and see it in Google Maps.
Click the "More" button and add in your ride's description.
Be sure to enter information about weather cancellation (i.e. I will not ride if raining, or if the temperature goes below/above, etc...)
Click the "SAVE" button - that's it!
Events will automatically email the ride coordinator. Rides added for dates later than the end of the current week will be added to the weekly rides emails that are sent on Sunday!
Rides cannot be modified or deleted once entered. Please email if you need to delete or modify your event and we will take care of it for you!
Add this iCal stream to your calendar and automatically receive ride updates on your phone/tablet!
ACNB - Old Harrisburg Rd-Gettysburg
FL - Food Lion Parking Lot 116 & Centennial Road
GRP - Gettysburg Rec. Park on Long Lane
MSP - McSherrystown Park on South Street
MMM - Myers Meat Market-Jefferson Street-Hanover
MPR - Manchester Park and Ride-Manchester, MD
SMP - Simplicity Cycles-Hanover
TMP - Taneytown Memorial Park