The Hanover Cyclers was formed in 1974 to promote bicycling as a form of family recreation and to promote bicycle safety. The Club advocates the enactment of laws pertaining to the interests of bicyclists, recognition of the bicycle as a vehicle used for pleasure, health and transportation, and organizes friendly bicycle rides for cyclists of all abilities.

The Club sponsors rides year-round. Each ride is led by a friendly, knowledgeable member of the Club. Wednesday morning breakfast rides, ice cream rides, night rides, Christmas light rides, weekend jaunts, rides in surrounding areas of Hanover, Gettysburg, East Berlin in PA and Carroll and Frederick Counties in Maryland.

In addition, the Club sponsors two signature rides; the Horse Farm Tour in May and the Labor Day Century in September. Both are well supported with routes between 10 and 100 miles. Hanover Cyclers also works with surrounding cycling clubs to assist them in leading rides in the Hanover area.

The Hanover Cyclers ride primarily in Adams and York Counties where the terrain varies from gently rolling to steep hills. Rides frequently travel thru horse farm country and the world famous Hanover Shoe Farms, the Battlefields or Apple Orchards of Gettysburg.

The Club holds monthly meetings as well as an Ice Cream Social, Summer picnic, Fall and Winter hikes, and a Christmas Banquet.

A monthly newsletter a weekly ride list is emailed to all members with the Club’s schedule of events and rides for the coming months).

The Club also promotes and contributes to giving back to the community programs such as Adopt-A-Highway, York County Heritage Rail Trail, Pennsylvania Interscholastic Cycling League, and HAPBI.


 (c) 2020 Hanover Cyclers - All Rights Reserved

The next regular club meeting will be at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, March 5th at the South Hanover YMCA.

Club Officers for 2024/2025:


President Joe Montminy

V.P. Dave Jones

Treasurer Jeff Baylis

Secretary Lorraine Phillips


Pennsylvania Top 50 Cycling Club

Our club has been recognized as as one of Pennsylvania's Top 50 Cycling Clubs by Biking.com readers. You can see the Top 50 list which includes our club at www.biking.com/top50-pennsylvania.html

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© Hanover Cyclers